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Thursday 5 September 2013

Lets go back in time to the 80's

Yesterday I posted a cathartic rant. Today I want to laud some young people I know.

I taught at Brettonwood High School during the 1980's. Brettonwood "clientele" were many and varied. The school bordered on the Umbilo drive-in (now the notorious Umbilo park). Our "catchment" area extended from the lower reaches of Umbilo Road, up to Carrington Heights, from Seaview to nearby Glenwood.
It covered terrain housing the affluent to the borderline "just not coping financially".
The smallest family unit was one child, the largest family unit was 18 children.

The population of Brettonwood consisted of the most amazing hodge-podge of talent. There were the sportsman, the artists, the poets, the actors, the musicians, the intellectually gifted and the children who battled to succeed academically. All somehow got on well adopting the "live and let live" philosophy.
The classroom was a pleasant place to be. The kids were naughty (rather mischievous), the homework was often not done, coughs would waft in turn around the class BUT never once did I have to battle for respect. If punishment was handed out it was accepted graciously and was handed in on time. I don't ever remember having the following argument (which happens frequently now)

"Sorry. I won't do it again." Yeah till next time.
"Ah please no." You will do it.
"Can't I do it tomorrow?" No!
"I'll tell my dad." And dad would be at school like a shot to complain about you.

20 years has wrought a huge change.


I look at the classes of the 80's and see where they are today. They are all successful men and women in their fields, sharing triumphs of their children.
Brettonwood in the 80's – you gave me some of my happiest teaching years. I relish what you have become and often through your own initiatives.
I salute you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks loved my time at Brettonwood.
