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Wednesday 4 September 2013

About me

I am a teacher. I started life as a maths teacher but soon got bored - along came computers in to my life - fascinating, frustrating, forever changing - there was no time for boredom. I loved teaching IT eventually Schools saw IT (Information Technology) as elitist so they rather introduced CAT (Computer Applications Technology). The end of my computer career saw me trying to instill techniques and tricks into the mind waves of learners who thought they knew it all and when they failed their exams the fault was mine. 
Some of the things that disappoint me about teaching (and these are the main reasons why I left):
  1. Respect: Learners have no respect for themselves, their surroundings, their friends, their enemies, their teachers and the management of a school. Most fastidious learners will not use the change rooms/toilets because of their disgusting condition. I have heard of faeces smeared on the walls and mirrors, toilet bowls have been kicked in, toilet seats have been removed and or broken. The stench as one walks past the boys urinal has to be smelt to be believed. Teachers who have rooms close by burn incense, spray air freshener – anything to get through the day.
  2. Bullying: Learners bullying each other, teachers bullying learners, learners bullying teachers (Yes I was bullied by 3 grade 8 learners who took a dislike to me – 12 years old!) Bullying by the department to get things done their way. Bullying by the unions to strike – to hell with education! I became a teacher because I believed I could offer something. Many people told me you're mad – You are good at Maths do something with Maths – just don't teach! There is no money in teaching – surely all these strikers knew what they were letting themselves in for? Surely the didn't think they could get rich?
  3. Strike disruptions: the only ones who suffer are those in their last year – the crucial year – the year that decides which university will accept them – you are forcing another year of learners who have not been properly trained to carry their place in a sane society.
  4. We Demand: When I was at school I earned my passes – if I didn't work – I earned my failures. My parents never blamed the school, the teachers, the society, the system, the friends, the lack of facilities. They blamed ME and themselves for not making sure I would pass! Now it is DEMANDED that we pass these inept students. A student can pass the subject having scored 30% - they do not even know 1/3 of the work and yet they have passed. And if they only gained 25% "oh well we will adjust!"
  5. My Rights: It is my right. Why? Who gave you that right? Strikers argue that it is their right to strike. What happens to the rights of the ones who do not strike? Suddenly they have no rights. Why? "I can disrupt learning in a class" says one learner. Why? It takes away the basic rights of every other child in that class.
  6. It is easier to steal than work at a job. In stealing I will destroy anyone or anything that comes my way. Why? Its my right!
I open a newspaper and I weep:

  •  Muggings (with cruelty)
  • Hijackings (with cruelty)
  • Rape (with cruelty)
  • Strikes (with arson etc)
  • Road accidents (too much loss of life)
  •  Fires
  • Homeless
  • The list goes on
  •  And on
  •  And on………..
I am an ostrich. I will bury my head until someone wakes up and shuts down all this negativity. I can't do it. I am too old and tired.
Where are our leaders?
Out of the country poking their noses in all the affairs that America becomes involved in.
WHY?? You have worse things happening on your doorstep.
You want to give millions to countries to help their debt. What about OUR deb? What about our starving thousands?
You want to show Egypt how to run a country?
That is the most laughable idea yet.

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