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Thursday 18 April 2019

Homework vs Life

I came across this in a Facebook post and it got me thinking. In essence I agree with it BUT…
We do not live in a perfect world. The world that is depicted in American 1950’s media. The world where the mom is at home preparing the evening meal for her family and the dad arrives home to find the children neat and tidy sitting waiting for their evening meal. And that evening meal is a time where views are exchanged and families get to know each other.
In our modern world everyone is inflicted with many distractions. Meals are more often than not consumed in front of the TV. Both mom and dad work so all too often meals are quick take away type meals.
Cell phones are a distraction that we can’t get away from. Life has changed and not in a good way. We are constantly feeling naked if our cell phone is not close by – the need to “be in touch” has become ludicrously anti-social. How many times have we seen people more involved with their phone than with the person sitting next to them?
Family values are changing – does this equate to the rise in gangsterism? Are kids getting more attention from their peers than from their families? We know that most kids seek attention – in any form. Good deeds or bad deeds bring recognition and peers exert so much more fascination than elders.
In series aimed at youngsters there always has to be that one kid who is bad and the screenwriters write their parts in such a way that elicits admiration.
There is so much in the modern world that interferes with good family morals so stopping homework (which I entirely support) is really not going to wipe away the degradation of general family life. We have to delve much deeper.
I remember a cartoon of St Peter and God surveying the world and St Peter’s speech bubble read “Time for a reboot?”

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