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Wednesday 23 March 2016

Eye in the sky

Steven and I were driving back from a relaxed day at a beach on the North Coast. The road ran alongside the sea and I was nestled back in my seat watching the water as we drove by. I became aware of a sharp, short streak of light in the sky. The further we drove the more intense the light came. It seemed to come from somewhere behind us. As I watched the streak became more intense and seemed to grow in length as it streaked across the sky to some unknown destination. It seemed to throb with life, with intensity. Gradually the streak became broader and took on  the appearance of a strange rainbow. Rainbows usually have a curve but this prism of light was straight.
I was glad Steven was driving – this gave me time to watch and report on this fascinating display. I strained my eyes to see the end of this rainbow. As my eyes travelled along its length, the tip seemed to narrow until it became the same strong, sharp, silvery light that we had seen at the start. 

I saw that the end had reached its target a tiny blimp in the sky – it was too far away to see what it was. With a jolt of horror I watched as the light reached its target and it seemed to explode into an uneven shaped ball with streaks shooting out of it. It looked like Thor had released a series of lightning bolts.

“It’s blowing something up!” I shrieked to Steven. 
He glanced up away from the road..

“My God!” he exclaimed. “What is it?” 

I sat watching the explosion, mesmerised, I could not take my eyes off it. The point of light seemed to be drawing closer and as it drew closer it seemed to be pulling its target with it, gradually the target became visible and then with increasing speed the light and target seemed to be honing in on our patch of road. I had never seen anything like this. The target looked like a small block of flats maybe 3 storeys high. It was solid and heading for us. 

As it came closer I was aware of flashing lights. By this time all cars had stopped. Some drivers and passengers had leapt out of their cars to watch the possible oncoming of death. But the “tower” passed by us – close enough to see lights flashing in a seemingly panic-filled random display. The laser like streak pulled the “tower” over the line of stationary cars and we watched, fascinated, as it plummeted into the ocean. 

For a few moments everyone was too stunned to move.  Gradually drivers got back in their cars and impatience became the mood of the traffic, with much hooting the cavalcade of cars slowly started up to continue their journey.

© Vera Alexander
23 March 2016

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