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Sunday 4 May 2014

Walt Disney

What a man! What an Empire! A talented artist with the ability to peer into a child's mind and see the magic and then to employ people who could see his vision and expand on it.

When I was quite young my parents took me to the cinema to see Fantasia. I had been brought up with classical music surrounding our house so Fantasia was a trip along known territory but enhanced by the imagination of the Disney studios animators. "The dance of the hours" will always bring a Hippo in a tutu to my mind. And who cannot love the "Sorcerers Apprentice"? If you love classical music and have never seen Fantasia do yourself a favour buy a copy and invite some friends around and see if you can get some converts!

So why am I blabbing on about Disney? I recently bought Fantasia 2000 and watched it tonight. It didn't disappoint me. "The Pomp and Circumstance March" helped all the animals get onto the ark with the help of Donald and Daisy Duck. The rousing end was accompanied by the dove with the leaf in his beak.
Lovely melodies beautifully brought to life by the world of Disney.

After the movie we had a stroll through the making of… and met many of the Disney artists and illustrators. Fascinating history unfolded.

Disney had his detractors who accused him of many things. I don't know whether any of the accusations had some truth but I can still admire the work and insight of the man. He gave us the gift of eternal childhood should we want to take it.

I love Disney movies. They are perfect fodder for an escapist. Life is good, life is fun – it does have its moments of fear or sadness but for an hour or so we can escape into a perfect existence.

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