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Monday, 21 June 2021

Sea Dance


Dolphins Jump Sea - Free photo on Pixabay 

The azure sea is sparkling and quiet. Our yacht is rolling gently with the small waves. Tyrone has his binoculars trained on the sky. He is watching the gulls that are meandering overhead – their eyes on the lookout for any morsel that may be tossed from the yacht.

The movement of the yacht becomes a bit more intense. There are new ripples in the water – ripples that are increasing in number and size. Tyrone turns his binoculars to the sea and lets out a whoop of joy.

“I can’t believe it. We are getting a special visit from a pod of dolphins. Look to the left. You can see their fins,” shouted Tyrone in excitement. “Look how they are sporting in the sea.”

We sat there gobsmacked. All my life I wanted to swim with the dolphins and now they are swimming around me. The waves are choppy with white specks that fly away. There are four dolphins. They seemed content to play with each other until one decided to include the yacht in their game.

He nudged up to the boat and raised his snout onto the ledge. I was beside myself with joy, fear and awe. I moved towards him. He didn’t move. I put my hand out to touch his snout and for a brief moment his eyes met mine and a wonderful sense of peace and serenity enfolded me.

© Vera Alexander