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Thursday, 31 December 2020



2020 has been a great teacher. It has taught us:

1.    That the earth needs healing. 2 short months of isolation and the world showed immense improvement. We need to remember this and do our best to keep it clean.

2.    That working from home is possible, can be enjoyable, productive and profitable.

3.    To value friends, neighbours and family.

4.    To follow rules to stay safe.

5.    To enjoy alone time

6.    To stop destructive behaviour and  implement positive habits

7.    To meet challenges with equanimity and finally

8.    To accept change.


1.    Not all students follow the teachings

2.    Many students strutted around with complete and total disregard of their (or anyone else’s) safety

3.    Many students derided their government’s efforts to keep us safe

4.    Many students screamed fake news or conspiratory theories

To those who have lost people to Covid I send my heartfelt condolences.

To those who are struggling with the disease. Take one day at a time and celebrate each small achievement and milestone. Try to use the hard days as stepping stones to the next success.

To those who are caring for Covid patients. My heart goes out and I pray for your strength and immunity.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Statues in the Garden

The statues of Peter Pan and Wendy fascinated me. They were partially hidden by the undergrowth and a flowering tree branch extended over them. Every now and again a blossom detached and drifted down between them. As I watched the fallen blossoms became fairies who danced on the breeze touching Wendy’s hair as they drifted past. The wind changed direction slightly and the next batch of fairies played around Peter’s hat before falling into the space between Peter and Wendy

Peter was sitting with his eyes focused on the bird bath between them. Wendy had her arms linked behind her as she bent towards the bird bath.

A beautiful yellow bird fluttered down and sat on Peter’s cap, another one sat on Wendy’s hair. The two birds set up a conversation – each twittering in turn. They then companionably flew down to the birdbath and splattered in the water. Their joy was palpable