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Friday, 11 January 2019

The Waters of Life

 In the time before time you floated in your own tiny private swimming pool.

Later on bath times were pleasurable. Sometimes you wanted bubbles and loved it and other times you refused to have bubbles.

Summers brought water fun but the water was contained either by a paddling pool or by a parent's arms.

As you grew the swimming pool gave you a safe shallow end but soon you were ready to explore the deeper waters but still within boundaries.

On the night of the 23rd July you said goodbye to the boundaries of childhood and the strictures that the childhood waters brought. On the morning of 24th you stood on the edge of the ocean which will be your life. You are dabbling your toes in this ocean. Don't rush to plunge in. Take time to savour each and every ripple that life will bring you. Explore each ripple before you decide if you want to follow it to wherever it may lead you or wait for the next ripple.

Enjoy the shallow waters for a few more years. Shallow waters where the people who love you will be standing waiting to give you help if you need it.

I will also be waiting on the sands ready to help in whatever way you need. I will be waiting to see just where the waters of life take you. Choose wisely and you will have a beautiful safe trip.

(Written for my grandaughter on the eve of her 18th birthday   © Vera Alexander)