In my youth (Oh far too long ago!) I knew all about cantankerous old age. It was stereotyped in movies, cartoons etc. The old biddy rushing outside brandishing a walking stick at children who were basically just being children.
I hoped one day, if I reached that age, I would be different. Well first of all the old biddies from my youthful remembrances were a hell of a lot younger than I am now. And secondly, I am cantankerous in a totally different way.
I love young people. I find their views of the world very let them play make a noise and enjoy themselves. (One noise I do object to is screaming as part of play. My opinion is if you scream you had better be hurt or in danger.)
So now as to how being a cantankerous old biddy has affected me. I ask young people to:
Grow up.
· Words can be hurtful but get over it for your own peace of mind.
· Don’t worry about what others think
Experience the world
Put that phone down for a while. (I am now living with my cell phone on silent. It started during my recent teaching stint at Open Air. You can’t use your phone while you are teaching so put it off. And being forgetful I suppose, I forgot to put the sound back on and I found how freeing it was. I could check it when I wanted and return calls and messages in my own time.·Be open to new experiences, new sounds, new feelings
·Talk to an old person – they are just like you inside, outside is different but inside there is an 18-year-old dying to get out
My personal cantankerousness
It irritates me when I hear the slogan “Black lives matter”. Come on! ALL lives matter, whites, blacks, yellow, cats, dogs, birds and bees. I have a young (white) friend who gets upset when I offer this viewpoint and he says I don’t understand. I do understand dear boy and I have become more compassionate and more understanding the older I get.
I wish I could plonk some of the wisdom that time has given me into the heads of youth without destroying their youth and innocence. And yes I get cantankerous when I see them throwing away this wonderful experience that is life by doing drugs and crime.
I hate to see the state of the world:
· The rioting
· The crime
· The protest marches
· The lack of moral fibre
I hate the murdering of women and children.
I hate it that the youth are taking over countries without having the knowledge and sensibility to make things work.
I hate it that every day you hear of someone using established methods to commit crimes. The robbing of senior citizens, the robbing of governments. The latest thing that is getting me all cantankerous is that Uber drivers are now on the take to rob you and leave you stranded.