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Friday, 1 January 2016


Face book tries to sort out all my woes. Any time you enter you will be uplifted by jokes, inspirational sayings and inspirational pictures. However you will also be inundated with many unsavoury things seeking out the gullible. All of that I can live with. What I hate is the insinuations that my religion, my personal relation with the creator of our universe is faulty.

My relationship is based on love. On love for all my friends and relatives, my pupils and my co-authors. My love for nature, animals, and the elements. My love for the seen and the unseen. My love for all that is positive and good.

How dare you insinuate that my path is faulty? What gives you that right to criticise my choices. I respect your choice - please respect mine.
I assure you I am not going to get Divine personal commendations or retributions if I fail to share a post with 12 people or if I do not type Amen or Hallelujah or whatever I am requested to type.

Do not try to guilt trip me with pictures of children in various stages of neglect or injury. Do not presume that I am a horrible uncaring individual who deserves whatever that particular post threatens.

Do not insult my intelligence:

  1. There is such a thing as Photoshop where all sorts of effects and changes can be manipulated to serve a purpose. I WILL try to see if this has happened.
  2. I will try to establish when the original post was made. Please don’t threaten me with dire consequences if I do not share a missing child’s post. Periodically a beautiful little girl in a garden is reported as being missing. I first saw that one in 1995  in an e-mail.

I will always only share posts that touch MY heart, soul or funny bone and if others want to share they are free to.. I will NEVER share posts that I have threatened me because I will not threaten others. I can think, I can make my own decisions.
One last word of warning: Do not fall for scams.
1.    You can’t win if you haven’t entered.
2.    No one will share their wealth with you.
3.    No cars will be given to you
4.    No flights will be granted
And if you want to explore this impossible world – don’t try to drag me in as well.